EW003: “Mrs. Morrison’s Pie” by Nelson W. Pyles

Mrs. Morrison has a favor to ask of an old..."friend" -- one who's been visiting her for many years as part of an ongoing arrangement. The ladies normally pass the time during their visits with conversation, games, coffee, and pie. But, this year, Mrs. Morrison sweetens the deal with a very special buttermilk pie to ensure she gets what she needs.


Author:  Nelson W. Pyles | Storyteller:  Nichole Goodnight Host / Producer / Showrunner: Daniel Foytik Executive Producers: Cynthia Lowman, Nelson W. Pyles

Production Music

"The Wicked Library Theme"
Anthony Rowsick of Novus (novus3.bandcamp.com)

Audio Recording

Final mix by Daniel Foytik, 9th Story Studios: www.9thstory.com

9th Story Studios:

Producer / Host / Showrunner: Daniel Foytik

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On Twitter: @wickedlibrary

The Wicked Library is a proud member of the Dark Myths Collective and the Society 13 Podcast Network