Randy D. Rubin

Randy D. Rubin is a proud member of the Horror Writers Association. He writes dark speculative fiction and darker poetry. This is Randy D.'s third season on The Wicked Library.

He has two E-Novellas with Secret Cravings Press, an LGBT Horror tale called THE WITCH OF DREADMERE FOREST and a paranormal romance titled, THE LEGEND OF MY NANA, MISS VIOLA.

Randy D.'s short tale, THE WATER GOT MAD has been featured in Perpetual Motion Machine Publishing's ONE NIGHT STAND Series, his short stories have appeared in several anthologies, and his latest short story, T-BONE is due out in HAPPY LITTLE HORRORS: ALIENS in late September 2015. SANITARIUM MAGAZINE'S COMMUTE just published his short story, A MAN WALKS INTO A BAR. His first collection of dark poetry has been published this year by Eldritch Press called THE DEMON IN MY HEAD DOTH SPEAK. His collection of prison dark poetry will be collected and showcased in THE PRISON COMPENDIUM published by EMP Publishing in 2016.

His short fiction has won the Necon E-book Flash Fiction Contest and placed in honorable mention. His micro-fiction has taken the second place accolade at THE CULT OF ME short fiction contest. His Drabbles have appeared at HORROR IN A HUNDRED.

Website: dreadmere.com

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