
707: Raison D’être by Nelson W. Pyles

The Lift’s Guide, Victoria Bigglesworth-Hayes begins to question not only her existence but her purpose. Fortunately for her, there is someone else who can not only sympathize, but can help guide her through this particularly rough time in her unlife. In this first ever crossover, the worlds of The Lift and The Wicked Library collide in a surprisingly uplifting episode about choices.

706: The Road Man by Aaron Vlek

Lights on the highway through the desert disappear in impossible ways and three mystified young brothers on a family road trip wonder why. The same car keeps passing them in the night, year after year after year on summer road trips and the boys fear it is the dreaded Road Man. This isn’t Area 51 and there are no aliens in sight, but the Road Man owns this stretch of all but deserted highway and he’s no urban legend.