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- "Samhain at the Von Stark's" - by Maddie Von Stark, read by Nelson W. Pyles
- "Mr. Perfect" - by Caitlin Marceau, read by Nelson W. Pyles
- "No Car - Truck" - by Daniel Foytik, read by Daniel Foytik
- "Freak" - by Lindsey Goddard, read by Nelson W. Pyles
- "Fuck the Fae" - by Mae March, read by Nelson W. Pyles
- "The Raven" - by Edgar Allan Poe, read by Nelson W. Pyles
- "Of a Promise Broken" - by Lafcadio Hearn, read by Nelson W. Pyles
Today's super sized episode features 7 wicked tales from the living and the dead. Recorded live in front of a captive audience at Rickert and Beagle Books.
For this episode, current host Daniel Foytik digs up the reanimated corpse of Nelson W. Pyles and props it up in front of the microphone to read 6 of the 7 tales.
We hope you enjoy the show! Please share the link and rate if you do. Happy Halloween!
About the Authors:

Maddie Holliday Von Stark is a badass horror fiction writer from the north woods of Wisconsin. She is known for her mad scientist fractal art, Lord Byron – Ed Poe – Lovecraft – Henry Rollins-ish damnable writings. She is the former Art Director of the Wicked Library. She is also on the marketing team for Fantastic Planet/A Night of Horror Film Festival, Sydney, Australia.
Maddie is currently the Director of Forsaken, the horror genre imprint at Booktrope. Her first novel, The Widows Game is available on Amazon.
When not creating artistic mayhem, MVS enjoys spending time with her hairless chihuahua, Mr. Wu. She is also known for her county fair winning Wicked Apple Jelly. She is also a proud graduate of Montana State University. “Go Cats!”
Author Page: facebook.com/maddiehollidayvonstarknovel
Twitter: @MaddieVonStark
Facebook: facebook.com/maddieholliday.vonstark

Caitlin Marceau is an author and professional editor living and working in Montreal. She holds a B.A. in Creative Writing and spends most of her time working as a freelance journalist for an array of publications.
When she’s not busy hunting down stories, she prefers to focus her time on publishing works of horror and experimental fiction. She’s also been published for poetry as well as creative non-fiction, and has spoken about horror literature at several Canadian conventions. Her workshop “Bikinis, Brains, and Boogeymen: How To Write Realistic Women In Horror,” was acclaimed by Yell Magazine.
If she’s not covered in ink or wading through stacks of paper, you can find her ranting about issues in pop culture or nerding out over a good book.
For more information, or just to say hi, you can reach her through info@caitlinmarceau.com
Website: caitlinmarceau.com
Twitter: @CaitlinMarceau
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CAMarceau or facebook.com/caitlinmarceau

Daniel Foytik is the current host and producer of The Wicked Library. Dan is a writer and storyteller who explores his love story and storytelling in all its forms through, writing, narration, audio production, and podcasting. His original podcast 9th Story features interviews and discussions on story.
Dan's production entity, 9th Story Studios, creates The Wicked Library, 9th Story, and will be launching three new podcasts this fall: Listen: devoted to storytellers telling stories, #AmWriting Podcast: on the craft of writing, and The Lift: a series of tales similar in nature to The Twilight Zone, which will star Victoria from the 9th Story and feature the work of 12 talented writers.
Website: danfoytik.com
Twitter: @dfoytik / @9thstory
Facebook: facebook.com/dfoytik
Other Projects: victoriaslift.com | storylisteners.com | shadowsatthedoor.com/audio-stories

Lindsey Goddard’s stories and poems have been published over forty times. Recent credits include Dark Moon Digest, Perpetual Motion Machine Publishing, James Ward Kirk Fiction, and Sirens Call Publications.
She lives in the suburbs of St. Louis. MO with her husband and three children. For more information, please visit: www.LindseyBethGoddard.com
Website: lindseybethgoddard.com
Twitter: @lindseybethgodd
Amazon: amazon.com/author/lindseygoddard
Facebook: facebook.com/authorlindseygoddard
Google+: google.com/+LindseyGoddard
Tumbler: lindseygoddard.tumblr.com

Mae March, the Mad Mistress of the Mad Marshes is the most dominant fragmentation of the already compartmentalized mind known as the Mad Marshes. The chosen name itself is little more than a quirky twist on her most beloved character from the colorful cast of a favored childhood book.
Her writing began at an early age, starting with scripts and short skits which she would enact for her ever humoring cousin, but didn't take a turn toward terror until college and life in the harshness of what most of you think is reality showed her droll the world was, and how desperately it needed a little nettling in the noggin to open it's eyes to the shadows lurking in the corners.
Twitter: @MadMaeMarch
Facebook: facebook.com/madmaemarch

Edgar Allan Poe was an American writer, editor, and literary critic.Poe is best known for his poetry and short stories, particularly his tales of mystery and the macabre.

Lafcadio Hearn, known also by the Japanese name Koizumi Yakumo (小泉 八雲?), was an international writer, known best for his books about Japan, especially his collections of Japanese legends and ghost stories, such as Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things.
About the Artist:

Jon Towers is an artist and writer, he is the creative mind behind indie comic book company Stigmata Studios. Often referred to as the “Creator Emeritus” of Society 13 and Co-creator the Wicked Library by former Host and current Executive Producer, Nelson W. Pyles, Jon Towers is a modern Renaissance Man, who serves up his brand of awesome in the form of comics, observation, satire, myth and legend, and edgy writing and observation. He will be featured in an upcoming issue of Dreadful Geographic, an Ezine from Forsaken. You can find Jon’s graphic novel, the D’Jinn Jihad on Amazon, and all things Jon Towers on his website, Stigmata Studios.
Stigmata Studios is an indie comic studio that has been producing indie comics featuring the heroic Nonstandard Assembly and its quirky members for over ten years. They produce graphic novels, comic book magazines and FREE web comics! The stories feature history, the occult, politics, myth, whiskey and violence with an edgy point of view.
Website: www.stigmatastudios.com
Twitter: @JonnyAxx
Facebook: facebook.com/stigmatastudios
Dramatic readings performed by:
Nelson W. Pyles (www.nelsonwpyles.com)
Twitter: @NelsonWPyles
Daniel Foytik: www.9thstory.com
Twitter: @9thstory
The voice of the Librarian was performed by Nelson W. Pyles (www.nelsonwpyles.com) The Librarian
Twitter: @NelsonWPyles
The voice of Victoria Bigglesworth-Hayes and Society 13 was performed by Amber Collins http://ambizzlezappa.deviantart.com/gallery
Twitter: @blamberino
Production Music
The Wicked Library Theme
Anthony Rowsick of Novus (novus3.bandcamp.com)
The Society 13 Theme
Anthony Rowsick of Novus (novus3.bandcamp.com)
Deep Noise, Danse Macabre, Professor and the Plant
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Horde (used to accompany promo for Everything Here is a Nightmare)
Darkmood Music (cdbaby.com/Artist/Darkmood)
Used with Permission
FX: Daggered
Audio Recording
Sound Design by Daniel Foytik, 9th Story Studios: www.9thstory.com
Producer: Daniel Foytik Executive Producer: Nelson W. Pyles
Visit The Wicked Library:
On Facebook: www.facebook.com/thewickedlibrary
On Twitter: @wickedlibrary
This Episode of the Wicked Library was presented by our sponsor:

Rickert & Beagle Books is a new, used and rare bookstore located in Dormont, PA, specializing in Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror and weird non-fiction. Visit us on the web at rickertandbeaglebooks.com
Also visit our other sponsors:
Shadows at the Door is an ever-growing collection of haunted stories inspired by the ghastly, the ghoulish and the macabre. You can enjoy the pleasing terrors, and similar content, at www.shadowsatthedoor.com
Sanitarium Magazine showcases original horror fiction and dark verse, alongside news, reviews and interviews - now weekly as of June 1st! sanitariummagazine.com
Horrormade.com has a terrifyingly fun collection of dark things, that that are sure to delight from horror haikus, to author and filmmaker interviews, to original art and dark fiction reviews. Whether you’re looking for a little inspiration, or maybe a place to share your short stories and creepy artwork, HorrorMade.com is your delightfully dark home for horror. Horrormade.com
The Wicked Library is a founding member of the Society 13 Podcast Network.
"Society 13, rebuilding society one podcast at a time."
The Wicked Library is syndicated on the STRY Radio Network
"STRY Radio, Where Stories Live"
Michael Gorring - Audio Equipment
Stigmata Studios - Video Recording
Chris Rickert - Recording Location
Victoria's Lift
Jon Towers
Nelson W. Pyles