Nelson W. Pyles

TWL 913: A Wicked Halloween Anthology – LIVE

Today’s show includes 3 Terrifying Tales and was recorded LIVE at the Aurora Theatre in Lawrenceville, GA as part of Explore Gwinnette’s #Artober Festival!

TW 9: Talking Wicked with Jessica McHugh

This time on Talking Wicked, I chat with Jessica McHugh.

TWL 912: Nice Guys Finish Last, by Anne Chichester

Today's story is from an author new to the Wicked Library.

In today's Halloween Tale, we explore love and longing, dark desires, and the danger of thinking you truly know another.

Author: Anne Chichester

Told by: Nelson W. Pyles and Cynthia Lowman

Custom Score and vocal edit/mix: Nico Vettese

Voice of the Librarian: Nelson W. Pyles | Artwork: Alex J. Murd | Host / Producer / Showrunner: Daniel Foytik Executive Producers: Cynthia Lowman, Nelson W. Pyles, Nico Vettese

Get your copy of The Wicked Library Presents: 13 Wicked Tales on Kindle, or in print.  Visit to get your copy today.

Get your copy of The Lift, 9 Stories of Transformation Volume One on Kindle, or in print.  Visit to get your copy today.

Production Music

"The Wicked Library Theme"
Anthony Rowsick of Novus (

Audio Recording

Final mix by Daniel Foytik, 9th Story Studios:

9th Story Studios:

Visit The Wicked Library:

On Facebook:
On Twitter: @wickedlibrary

Wicked Fairy Tales S2E1: The Yellow Dwarf

We kick of Season 2 of Wicked Fairy Tales with this King Sized tale of a spoiled princess, fairies, kings and a dwarf.  To Celebrate the kick off of Season 2, this first tale is shared with our full audience. To enjoy a new Wicked Fairy Tale each month, support the show at the $5 a month level.

TWL 911: Amity in Bloom, by Jessica McHugh

Today's story is by the amazing Jessica McHugh, and is part of Nightscape Press's 2018 Ashes & Entropy anthology. This tale also made Ellen Datlow's recommended list of Best Horror of 2019.

Miss Jennie Creagh's brothel on Amity Street comes highly recommended by The Gentleman's Directory, and her freak show in the little house across the road ain't bad either. But after sixteen years, Polly's ready to graduate to the big house, where Miss Jennie's girls want for nothing, and she'll never again have to hear the haunting song of the devil-girl living in the cellar.

But the Madam of Amity is abloom with secrets, and Polly soon discovers just how deep those roots go.

Author: Jessica McHugh

Told by: Denise Michelle Johnson

Custom Score and vocal edit/mix:: Nico Vettese

Voice of the Librarian: Nelson W. Pyles | Artwork: Alex J. Murd | Host / Producer / Showrunner: Daniel Foytik Executive Producers: Cynthia Lowman, Nelson W. Pyles, Nico Vettese

The Wicked  Library will be appearing Live at the Artober Gwinnett Event, "Spirits and Spirits, Featuring the Wicked Library" at the Amazing Aurora Theatre near Atlanta, GA on the 14th of October. See more info and get your tickets from 

Get your copy of The Lift, 9 Stories of Transformation Volume One on Kindle, or in print.  Visit to get your copy today.

Production Music

"The Wicked Library Theme"
Anthony Rowsick of Novus (

Audio Recording

Final mix by Daniel Foytik, 9th Story Studios:

9th Story Studios:

Visit The Wicked Library:

On Facebook:
On Twitter: @wickedlibrary

TW 8: Talking Wicked with K. B. Goddard

This week on Talking Wicked, I chat with K. B. Goddard

TWL 910: An Extra Wicked Anthology

It’s time for another quarterly Extra Wicked Anthology Episode! Today we bring you three great tales from the darker side of things.

TWL 909: Reflections on a Malady, by K.B. Goddard